Thursday, February 12, 2015

And then there was Tavira...

Doesn't the name Tavira evoke romance? Maybe a pretty girl enveloped in a sense of mystery? Perhaps someone yearning for a long lost love?

It maybe so there is a girl named Tavira somewhere - maybe she is running a gelato shop, a flowershop, a blog, or a Fortune 500 company - but that remains to be seen!

The Tavira that I am referring to is a quaint little village just outside of Albufeira, in the Algarve in Portugal. We stopped over and spent a little bit of time in Tavira - exploring the ruins of the old castle, eating gelato, drinking Sagres, and people watching.

Tavira is a village that is easy to miss - perhaps you are your way to Seville and you really want to get there before siesta. But, take a detour and savour the sights, sounds, and smells of a little Portuguese village and you'd be glad you did.

The whitewashed buildings and the wrought iron railings have eons of stories to share. As does the castle that is crumbling down - where the grounds are surprisingly well maintained - and the view from the top is well worth the hike.

Look through the below and tell me it doesn't whisper to you to slow down and spend some time in this town?


The town of Tavira

 The castle grounds

View from the top
Happy and smiling!


  1. Linking to colors dekor and the weekly party!

  2. Umm.. Wish I could spend some time in this small beautiful town..

  3. Vasudha - thank you for stopping by! I agree, small towns like this - make you wish you could make the time stop for just a minute longer :)

  4. even I love such quaint villages

  5. Small towns are magical... for sure!! I loved my holiday in Spain and see you had fabulous time too..

  6. Thank you ladies for your comments! And apologies for the long silence - was away exploring Puerto Rico and just getting back to reality! :)
